Power Rankings specific to Jim's teams

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Name: Jim Berger

Power Rankings specific to Jim's teams

Post by Padres »

8/7/ 2017 Back by popular demand, HOT CHICKS POWER RANKINGS! Just kidding I compared y'all to presidents (Dorman)

22 White Sox---Jimmy Carter. The peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia is the only president to have a much bigger impact on the world after he left office than when he was in it. Through Habitat for Humanity and other charitable endeavors, Carter has helped countless people around the world. His team in office, well, he may be the worst president of the 20th century. Carter was the governor of Georgia and a Washington outsider and after Watergate that seemed pretty good. Problem was Carter brought all of his Georgia cronies with him and didn’t listen to people that understood how Washington worked. He also had problems delegating, always thinking he was the smartest man in the room. While he did work out the Camp David Accords and get Israel to finally be recognized by one of their Arab neighbors, most of what we remember Carter for is bad. The Energy Crisis, the Iran Hostage Crisis, the malaise speech, giving the Panama Canal back. Jimmy Carter is a great man, but he was in over his head.

Jim is entering his 11th year in the IBC. He is no closer to contending now than he was then. He gave away the IBC version of the Panama Canal when he traded away Clayton Kershaw for John Danks and Alexi Ramirez. Jim likes to have White Sox on his team and it has been to his detriment. While the White Sox are young and have some nice players, there is nobody there that makes you think they’re getting out of the AL Central cellar anytime soon. Jim’s had more of an impact in the IBC through his permanent ExCo spot than on the field, much like Carter had more impact in humanitarian work than through the presidency.

7/17/ 2015 ASB Power Rankings (Jeff Passan 30 degrees version) (Gillespie)

28. White Sox. The best player on this team might be Billy Butler, so there's cause for concern. The squad has a few bright spots in AJ Cole, Hector Santiago, Avisail Garcia, Steven Souza and Brandon Finnegan, but by and large, it's going to be a large-scale rebuild. And, with the penchant for dealing for and drafting South Side players, the rebuild may take longer than expected. For the most part, however, the Pale Hose have been able to stay healthy, which is key and something not currently boasted by the...

4/14/ 2015 Season Opening Rankings (Gillespie)

White Sox: The 2015 White Sox have a few pieces that will be pesky for division rivals, but this likely won�t be a team that joins the three-team race for the division crown. It has undertaken quite a few changes from its 2011 AL Central winning team and even was a .500 club in 2012 and 2013 before a dropoff in 2014. Billy Butler leads the offense, which isn�t a great thing for South Side fans to hear. Otherwise it�s Avisail Garcia, Rosell Herrera, Steven Souza and Dariel Alvarez. The staff has the potential of A.J. Cole, Jarred Cosart, Hector Santiago and Kris Medlen with Chris Withrow, Zach Duke and a few average arms, but there are many holes. The team has a few players on the cusp in Elier Hernandez, Brandon Drury, Micah Johnson, Travis Shaw and Zach Davies and the 2014 draft was strong with Bradley, Finnegan and Lopez. The farm lacks top-tier talent, but does have its share of what could be solid regulars.

3/3/ 2015 Spring Training Power Rankings IBC Power Rankings Committee (Nationals, Orioles, Astros, Tigers)

28. (White Sox (27.25): There is some MLB talent here (Butler, Medlen, Cosart, Duke), but just not enough.

Keys to development: A good gamble or two on young free agents and a strong 2015 draft

Season prediction: 4th, AL Central

9/9/2014 Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

No. 25, White Sox--- Morena Baccarin.
Jim is bad this year, make no mistake about it. This team would be a lot better with Clayton Kershaw instead of John Danks, but you don�t get do overs in awful deals that happened in the past. Things will be bad for a while from the looks of this roster though, but we all know Jim is a patient man, has to be having lived in a house full of women. That or he�s crazy by now. Moerna Baccarin starred on Firefly and was on Homeland. Nobody watched Firefly when it was on and since Homeland is on a premium channel, far fewer folks watched it than would�ve under other circumstances. Basically she�s a working actress and that�s fine, but she�s not going to be a star anytime soon, just like Jim won�t be in contention.

Spring Training 2014 Power Rankings (Gudim):

17. Chicago (A) - �Your Horoscope for Today� - My predictions about how good Jim�s team is going to be this year are about as good as a horoscope on any given day.

Jake's 2014 Arbitary Spring Training Preview - AL Central (Hamlin 2/14): White Sox


Second base. Kinda. Really cool found money to get that projection out of Rosell Herrera, I wonder who Jim would have taken if he hadn't thought he needed Guerrero (second base sucks). Another team in transition, looks like Jim does not want to finish at .500 again this year as he moved guys like Headley, Quentin, Chris Carter, and Corey Hart for prospects turning an above average lineup into a below average one. The bullpen is probably the most solid unit on this roster. I'm not pleased you grabbed Josh Osich under the radar, I didn't even notice and went to sign him when Mulder got hurt, but there he was already on your roster. Jerk.


Lineup and rotation, which looks to be by design. I and a few other contenders will probably have our eyes on Alfonso Soriano's platoon splits to see if he's going to be worth riding off into the sunset for yet another prospect into Jim's newly revamped system.

Bottom Line

Historically (at least in my perception) Jim has been very good at adding prospect talent via the draft and not had the results he expected at the MLB level by cashing in those prospects, so I'm intrigued by watching him pull the plug and reset now that his division has become more competitive. I was really stunned when he jumped on Jordan Paroubeck, I was sure that guy would comfortably be my 3rd round pick. Point being, this team has a bunch of young guys I like, and I'd love to see them develop in a couple of years for Jim. Won't be this year though.

Projected Standings:

3. Chicago White Sox - Top 15 pick

September 1 [2013] Power Rankings (Dorman)

14.White Sox- South Carolina.
The Cocks and the Sox have spent their lives in the shadow of their neighbors, with Clemson having a better football history and the Cubs having more fanfare thanks to being on WGN all the time in the past and finding new ways to lose. South Carolina�s football program didn�t win a bowl game until the 1995, and only won a conference one time, 1969 when they won the ACC. With Steve Spurrier at the helm, the Gamecocks have been much improved and have a chance to win the SEC East every year. Jim�s been in Chicago now since 2006, and he has one division title to show for his efforts. While he�s been in contention this year, he has started to fade and the odds of another division crown are about as likely as seeing someone from South Carolina without a palmetto decal on their back windshield (it is the coolest state flag by far). Jim�s got a solid squad that�ll be in contention next year, but his penchant for making bad trades (he got Alexi Ramirez, Brandon Lyon and John Danks for Kershaw) will always linger, as standing pat sometimes is better than making deals for guys you like because they�re on your favorite team.

August 5 [2013] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

No. 13. White Sox: Vivien Leigh
Jim finally broke through in 2011 and won the AL Central, and this year he is in contention for another crown. Jim�s got a solid but not spectacular lineup, and a rotation headlined by Lance Lynn. Nothing jumps out at you but he�s winning. What he really needs is something to put him over the top, be it a middle of the order bat or a top of the rotation starter. If not, he may get to October but he probably won�t be staying very long. Vivien Leigh was a British actress that won 2 Academy Awards playing Southern belles, Scarlett O�Hara in Gone With the Wind and Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire. Other than those roles she is best known for being married to Laurence Olivier for 20 years. Jim has not had the breakout yet that Gone With the Wind was for Leigh, and it looks like this year will not be it either.

Labor Day 2012 Power Rankings (Dorman/Gillespie)

10. White Sox---Contra
Just like when you�re Bill "Mad Dog" Rizer and Lance "Scorpion" Bean trying to take down the evil Red Falcon Organization in Contra, Jim has been in a battle all year. Major injuries to Dan Hudson, Jeff Niemann, Drew Storen and Carlos Quentin put him in a hole early on, but he has battled on, remaining in the hunt in the tight AL Central. Without many major upgrades, like the spray gun or barrier, Jim may end up making a surprise run to take the AL Central title from the division leader Tigers. Anything can happen in sim baseball.

Opening Day 2012 Power Rankings (Dorman)

16. White Sox - �Claim to be the icon� 1997 Jim Cornette
Jim finally made the playoffs in 2011 but he was stopped in the ALDS. Now he is in a three way fight in the ALC and looks like the weakest of the three. Some head scratching moves (Ubaldo, Garza for Jay) haven�t helped matters. The team is older, the farm isn�t really strong and Drew Storen is the marquee player you could build around. Jim Cornette started doing segments on Raw in 1997 on the state of wrestling, because he hated where wrestling was headed as an old school, NWA purist. So he cut this promo on the biggest stars in the business. What he says at the end about Hogan could be prophecy about Jim�s team this year, but Jim better hope not.

July 27 [2012] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

No. 9. Chicago White Sox: Zooey Deschanel
Sorry I just don�t get the appeal. Jim is currently leading the ALC, though Pat G and Jason may have something to say about that before the year is over, unless Jason blows the whole thing up like he has threatened to. Jim has a nice team, but I don�t think it is a team that anyone is scared of. Jim has made some questionable moves over time to where if he stood pat his team would be better off (dealing Kershaw to Gabe). Maybe Jim makes the playoffs but it will probably be a quick exit if he does. Speaking of not getting the appeal, Zooey Deschanel is a gimmick (http://www.cracked.com/article_19493_4- ... -dork.html). She was in Elf as Buddy�s love interest. Remember that blonde chick? Nothing that great right? So now she plays the character of Zooey Deschanel all the time, and nerds think she�s just like them, and Fox has some show she�s the star of where all these guys that live with her, instead of wanting to have sex with her, apparently just can�t understand how she is so weird (I�ve never watched it, that�s just what I gathered from commercials in the playoffs). The point is, Zooey�s nothing special, and Jim�s team is good but not great.

September 13 [2011] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

7. Chicago White Sox: Heidi Klum
Jim finds himself on his first ever IBC playoff berth, four games up with just two full weeks left to play and riding an eight game winning streak is only helping that cause. The White Sox aren�t exactly the sexiest team around, but they�re still pretty solid. Trading their ace in Ubaldo Jimenez before the deadline was a strange move, but it�s helped the White Sox maintain their lead. Heidi Klum is apt for the White Sox because while she�s still great (Chicago is currently on pace to be the No. 2 AL seed in the playoffs), she�s just shy of magnificent - partially thanks to motherhood, and partially thanks to age. The White Sox are good, but not great - but just getting into the playoffs is a great feat as it is, and anything can happen once you�re in.

June 26 [2011] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

7. Chicago White Sox - Soft Shell Taco.
There's not a ton of difference between Kansas City and Chicago, other than the fact that Kansas City currently sits in first. The Royals have the better offense, but the White Sox have the better pitching. How does that make them a soft shell taco compared to a hard shell? I'm not sure, but, they're just so similar that they might as well be similar foods. Combine the two and you'd have a really awesome powerhouse team, like a freaking double decker taco inside a KFC inside a Taco Bell inside a mall. That'll be the beauty of the AL Central race this year, though, as two pretty even teams try to make the playoffs.

August 31 [2010] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

13. White Sox: Simba.
The White Sox looked like they'd be pretty good this year and should have been division and wild card contenders. Injuries and simply bad luck - the South Siders run differential earlier this year was much better than their record - have prevented Jim's team from taking the next step to the playoffs. There's a lot of talent on this roster so we'd have to think it's only a matter of time before the White Sox earn a trip to October - but we also thought Nate would win a World Series and that JB would have about 10 crowns by now (and yes, this is only the 9th year). The White Sox are like Simba before Simba's confronted Mustafa. Simba is really nice and I'm not sure what kid growing up didn't enjoy the Lion King and Simba, and I'm not sure who really dislikes Jim. But still, the White Sox don't have that bite yet. They'll need to throw Scar off a cliff in order to get that winning edge and what does that even mean in terms of IBC things? I don't know.

July 21 [2010] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

13. White Sox - Cobie Smulders.
Jim has been around now and if he didn�t give away Kershaw and Tommy Hanson, he�d be challenging BP for the Central title. As it stands, he has a shot at the Wild Card and is still set up to become a contender in the future. For now though, he has to hope he can scratch and claw his way to October. Cobie Smulders, who is that? She�s Robin on How I Met Your Mother and that is all she has done. But hey, she�s hot, she does her part to make an ensemble comedy successful, she�s still young, there could be a future here. Time will tell how successful she will be, and the same thing can be said for the South Siders.

June 12 [2010] Power Rankings (Dorman/Starkey)

8. White Sox - Butters Stotch.
Butters is one of the nicer children in South Park if not the nicest. He hardly ever swears and is seemingly pretty innocent overall. However, that niceness gets him into trouble a lot. Butters is also a pretty good student in school. Jim seems to be a pretty nice guy and he also seems to be pretty smart when it comes to drafting. Jim, though, has fallen victim to some pretty ugly trades much like Butters has fallen victim to many of the other South Park kids schemes. If the White Sox had just two trades back, the rotation in Chicago could look something like Ubaldo, Kershaw, Hanson and Niemann. Maybe this is the year where Jim finally makes the playoffs and all his moves look like genius, and the 2010 season will be Jim's "Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs," or another disappointing season in Chicago could leave Jim saying aw hamburgers.

August 23 [2009] Power Rankings (Starkey)

20. WhiteSox - The White Sox fans will possibly suffer another disappointing sub .500 season - though this time with a new GM. If so, that would mark the 7th straight sub .500 season for the White Sox.

July 14 [2009] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

17. White Sox - Jessica Biel.
Well, the Pale Hose has made a run for 2009 and it looks like it will have come up a bit short. 46-44 at the break isn't bad, it's, well, average as the winning percentage might indicate. In the AL or maybe even NL West, this team would still be in the race. The team has some nice building blocks in Cruz, Zimmerman, Votto and Danks. Jenks is pretty good. Still, on a whole, there's nothing spectacular about this particular team. Beckham and Smoak could help change that in due time if Jim has the patience to hang onto them. Jessica Biel is probably the most average "hot" celebrity there is out there. She has her moments where she can look pretty good, but on the whole, I'm not terribly impressed with Biel, and on a whole, this White Sox team does have a lot of work to do to compete in 2010 but some patience could go a long way to making this team a pretty good one in 2011.

June 15 [2009] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

20. White Sox - Madonna, "Like A Prayer"
The South Siders took a huge gamble on this year by dealing the top RHP pitching prospect in the minors in Tommy Hanson and the top SS in the minors at AAA in Escobar to gear up for this season. A bit perplexing sure, especially given the move was made months into the season. Enter Corey Hart, Yuni "hates the walk as much as Bengie Molina" Betancourt, Manny Parra, Bobby Jenks and Aki Iwamura. At least Iwamura and Jenks will still be solid in 2010. That said, with the Tigers, Twins and Royals all above them in the AL Central let alone the AL East teams in the Wild Card chance, it truly does seem like a hail mary attempt to make the playoffs this year. The White Sox must have heard the one October commercials and desperately wanted to make the playoffs. "Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there, just like a muse to me, you are a mystery, just like a dream, you are not what you seem." Perhaps what the White Sox saw this year was not what it seemed, but hey, they at least have added Iwamura and Jenks to next years team. 9.5 out of the Wild Card with Seattle, Detroit, Boston, Minnesota and Toronto ahead of him and it'll truly take a prayer to be answered to make it at this point.

May 31 [2009] Power Rankings (Hamlin)

17. WhiteSox - The trade Jim just made bumps him up a couple of spots. I'm not sure I'd give up Tommy Hanson for that package, especially with Iwamura done for the year, but by adding a legitimate closer and Manny Parra's starter projection instead of the struggling Carlos Rosa's the White Sox have gotten a big boost to their chances this year. The White Sox are still kind of in the discussion despite tremendously underachieving, Ricky Nolasco has an ERA above 6 and Joey Votto and Mike Aviles have OPS figures below .600. Yuck. If they can get their shit together with the new players Jim has a chance to stay relevant a lot longer than anyone expected him to.

Signature Player: Nate Schierholtz - If you listened exclusively to KNBR you'd believe that Nate Schierholtz was Rookie of the Year, MVP, Gold Glove, Cy Young, and Executive of the Year all rolled into one. He's not. He's not even really an elite prospect, but he's pretty good. Good enough? Who knows, kind of like this iteration of Jim's White Sox.

May 5 [2009] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

22. WhiteSox - Tough to see what the White Sox direction is. The jewel of the franchise Kershaw was dealt to bring in Danks and Alexei Ramirez. The Sox also have players like Nelson Cruz and Mike Aviles- players who are solid in the MLB, but their projections outweigh their MLB value. On the opposite side of the coin, the White Sox also have some excellent young prospects, particularly Tommy Hanson, Gordon Beckham and Justin Smoak. If the ChiSox decide to totally retool, they will have some definite trade bait

August 20 [2008] Power Rankings (Howard)

24. Mets - Tiresias
The great seer of the Theban cycle could not, in fact see. Thus is Jim's squad, oozing with talent but will it ever see fruition? Not this year.

July 17 [2008] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

25. Mets - Chewbacca.
Jims squad sits at the bottom of a tough NL East, the victim of being a year away. Jims squad is no pushover though, and he will have an opportunity to play the role of spoiler as the season progresses. Jims role of spoiler lands him Chewbacca because by knocking off his NL East opponents, he will be helping out the current wild card leading Cardinals. Chewie was Hans loyal copilot throughout the first three films, always willing to help though rarely doing anything pivotal aside from being Leias bounty to get into Jabbas palace in an attempt to free Han.

July 4 [2008] Power Rankings (Anderson)

25. Mets - Panama canal
One of the biggest projects ever, no one knew how long it would take to complete.

June 10 [2008] Power Rankings (Starkey/Dorman)

23. Mets - Ashley Judd.
Judd still seems to be forgotten among many when thinking of mega hot celebrities. Haven't seen much of her lately, and if anything, the most recent resonating photo of her is when her husband won the Indy 500. Still, she is extremely hot and also extremely nice and is involved with various charities—the best of both worlds, hot and nice. Jim has a team that isn't thought of that much and is seemingly overlooked as its still a year or so away from serious contention. Still, with one of the nicer GM's in the league and a solid base of players under his belt, the future could be very bright for the Mets, much like the future is still bright for Judd.

May 27 [2008] Power Rankings (Hamlin)

15. Mets - Previous: 13
Apu's favorite squadron has essentially been treading water on the outskirts of the NL East race. Surprising results from veteran pitchers Paul Byrd and Octavio Dotel have this team performing above expectations. The young lineup and rotation are probably a year away from really being special, but they are definitely putting up a credible year for the Mets.

1997 All-Star - Javy Lopez
1997 was Lopez's first All-Star appearance, and the first glimpse he gave at the talent that would make him one of the league's elite catchers for the better part of a decade. With a record above .500 this team definitely deserves credit, and the pieces are here for more success to come (assuming Delmon and Zimmerman stop sucking in real life).

May 10 [2008] Power Rankings (Howard)

13. New York Mets - Previous: 18
Another surprise squad of 2008, the unheralded Mets sit just half a game out of first in the NL East

April 25 [2008] Power Rankings (Hamlin/Anderson)

18. Mets - Previous: 24
The Mets are doing better than .500, though they're doing it with a margin of exactly 0. The pitching not named Fogg and Nolasco has been great, but the offense is clearly in the lower tier of the league. The Mets will need some bats if they want to continue to compete in the NLE.

Comparison: Phil Mickelson. Mickelson does pretty well when he just plays but when he gets super aggressive he starts to struggle. Aggressive play in golf equates to offense in baseball, Mickelson struggles at that just as the Mets do.

April 13 [2008] Power Rankings (Anderson)

24. Mets - If the Mets can consistently play .500 ball, this season is a major success for them.

March 29 [2008] Power Rankings (Anderson)

28. Mets - The Mets have been consistent with their plan to rebuild from the bottom up, unfortunately, it's gonna be hard for this team to break .500, and they might be looking at a top 5 draft pick, which might not be a bad thing for this squad.

July 13 [2007] Power Rankings (Dorman/Starkey)

20 - Mets-----NWO Hollywood.
Ah, the NWO B-team as it is known today. The focus of Hollywood was on Hogan, while the other members were nothing special at all, consisting of guys like Stevie Ray and Brian Clarke. While, because they still had the NWO name, they were pushed, they were never serious threats to anyone. Jim�s team is the same way, it will hang around, but it will not be a threat anytime soon.

The Mets are one of the weirdest teams in the league. There is a solid young nucleus with Cabrera and Rollins, along with Montero, Patterson, Moss and Scott. Kershaw is one of the best pitchers in the minors. The mystery is in the fact that Jamie Moyer and Greg Maddux are still in the rotation. The sim doesn't teach leadership. The team also lacks a bullpen in the worst way possible as Todd Coffey is currently closing. There is little to no chance at the playoffs this year, and it's difficult to see the Mets making an impact next year with not a ton there at SP behind Capuano.

Needs: Starting pitching.
Strength: Left side of the infield (Rollins/Cabrera)
Forecast: Missing the playoffs.
Last edited by Padres on Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:03 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Name: Pat Gillespie

Post by Guardians »

You've gone from Heidi Klum to Cocks in two years. Bad trend, Jim. Bad trend...
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Name: Jim Berger

Post by Padres »

Tigers wrote:You've gone from Heidi Klum to Cocks in two years. Bad trend, Jim. Bad trend...
And this end of season swoon is a bad trend too ... :(

3-7 in my 10 games and 11-23 since August 1st - ouch.
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