June 15 Power Rankings

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June 15 Power Rankings

Post by Cardinals »

Contributors: Pirates, Cardinals
Aaron and I have decided to bring back the 80's and link up and 80's song to each team. Enjoy the power ballads, big hair and horrendously awesome, or in some cases just awesome, music. Hold onto your mullets...

1. Yankees - Image

Guns n Roses, "Welcome to the Jungle"
What else would JB get? One of the most recognizable riffs from the 80's and still used everywhere today. Having to play the Yankees is really like going through a jungle. A jungle of not fun awesome players batting 1-9...and Manny isn't even in the lineup right now. Pujols, Mauer, A-Rod, Magglio, Cano, Howard and the pitchings not too bad either. Next year once Yankee Stadium is no longer neutral and is a bandbox it'll just be even worse for any other team to go pitch in as well. "You're in the jungle baby, you're gonna die!" Let's see if JB can rid himself of his recent playoff failures, since he will almost definitely be the favorite to win a championship every year in the IBC and this year is no different.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYRC4H64 ... re=related

2. Reds - Image

Michael Jackson, "Beat it"
When you think of 80s pop music, you have to think of Michael Jackson. When you think of winning in the IBC, Nate springs to mind. Before ZIPS came out, internal talk was that this was Nate's last year to remain relevant, as his team was older and the young lions of the NLC were poised to pounce. Nate has opened up a sizeable lead to start the year, but the injury bug has bit and JP is preparing to make a run. Nate's pen is weak without Shields to do the heavy lifting and he has a 4 man rotation right now, will he be able to hold on, or will he fade away like Jackson, without the sideshow aspect?

3. Royals - Image

Phil Collins, "In the Air Tonight"
How many times have Z and the Royals been picked to win the AL Central? Many. The Royals are up 4.5 on the three time defending AL Central champion Twins and up 7 on the Tigers. While the Royals have just been hit by recent injuries, Sweeney to the DL as well as Listch and Buchholz being out for the year, they still remain mostly healthy. Barring a huge trade by the Twins or a huge surge by the Tigers, it looks like the Royals will finally make the playoffs. "I Can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord!" can be heard at Kaufman Stadium before every home game now. Now lets see if Zalaski can make another move to really put himself in a position to run away with the division and challenge JB in the playoffs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Riw7j9b8 ... re=related

4. Pirates - Image

U2, "With or Without You"
As most everyone knows, JP is more than a little obsessed with U2. He was also more than a little obsessed with how awesome his team was coming into the year. That team, unlike U2, did not have staying power. ZIPS hurt him; players underperformed and were shipped out. This song pretty much sums up JP's philosophy with his team. He will win, with or without you, so his players know not to put a down payment on a house when they come to Pitt cause they may be headed out the door within a week. He hasn't made the playoffs in 5 years and seems hell bent on accomplishing that this year. Is it finally his year?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Es94uoH ... re=related

5. Marlins - Image

AC/DC, "Back in Black"
We all know how Dan left the Orioles to take over the Marlins last year. It resulted in a division title for Dan and his first playoff appearance. Now it looks like Dan has a really good shot at another division title. A five game lead with Aramis due back at some point and perhaps even Sheets will be useful this year. Either way, Dan is in a good position. Traded in his orange for some teal and black, and well, the Marlins are back in black. Still, the playoffs are currently no lock as the Nationals have made a move or two to gain some steam and are only five back. Things look good for Florida, but it's not a done deal.

6. Athletics - Image

Men at Work, "Who can it be now"
A threepeat is all but a done deal for the A's. The Mariners have presented no challenge whatsoever and the Rangers have been hit by the injury bug and find themselves 14.5 out on June 14th. The A's are playing .600 ball, but in that division it's not looking too tough. That said, it's still an excellent record and the A's will be in the playoffs for the third straight year. Who can it be now? Well, look at their roster year in and year out. The farm system is a bit stocked up, but that's not helping them win ball games right now. Who can it be now? Well, let's take a look. Reggie Abercrombie, Mike Hessman, Omar Vizquel, Burke Badenhop, Justin Speier and Mark DiFelice. Yep, these are your three time AL West champs to be. If they want to stand a chance in the playoffs against the Yanks, Royals or the Wild Card winner, they'll need to beef up somewhere, or just invest in more sim magic.

7. Twins - Image

Europe, "The Final Countdown"
To everybody's surprise except for Andrew, the Twins are in second place in the AL Central and leading the Wild Card. For how much longer, though? There's no real glaring weakness on this team but there's nothing spectacular going on either. It will be a tough task to catch the Royals and hanging with the Red Sox, Blue Jays and Tigers for the Wild Card won't be easy, but the three time defending AL Central Champs should be a pest and stay in it. A trade for either a big arm or bat would go a long way to helping the Twins stay afloat. Still, it's the final countdown for Andrew in the AL Central. "We're leaving together, but still it's farewell," this could be the first year the Twins are not AL Central champs since 2005.

8. BlueJays - Image

Whitesnake- "Here I go again"
The song that made everyone want Tawny Kitaen to hump to hood of their car. Pat is once again poised to make a Wild Card run and defend his title. He's a half game back of Andrew and will have to fend off Boston and the Tigers, much more formidable competition than he had last year. Pat doesn't make many moves but the ones he does have an impact. Nobody goes to Pat at the deadline trying to give him a deal to help him out. He's on his own, and this song fits him and his team perfectly, isolated from everyone else in Canada.

9. RedSox - Image

The Police- "Every Breath You Take"
How the Red Sox have been able to stay afloat with their injuries this year is beyond me. Boston is 36-27 despite a DL Violation to both Youk and Scott as well as losing Quentin, Webb, Dukes and Lowrie to injuries. The AL East is obviously out of reach, but Bren has been monitoring the Wild Card standings very closely just waiting to get healthy. "Every move you make, every claim you stake, I'll be watching you." Bren has been doing just that watching the standings and is now starting to get healthy and poised to make a move. Will it be the right one? Can the Red Sox return to the playoffs for the first time since 2006? They probably are a move or two away from doing it, but, this could be the year to end Bren's two year playoff drought.

10. Tigers - Image

Duran, Duran- "Hungry Like The Wolf"
After years of being a prospect hound, Brett is finally in contention. His lineup is terrifying, especially when one considers how young it is. Brett's managed to be within striking distance of the Wild Card and within shouting distance of the division lead despite playing with a 21 man active roster. Duran Duran came out of England in the early 80s and helped MTV launch the Second British Invasion. They were young, had a great pop sound and girls loved them. After years of losing, the Tigers are hungry like the wolf and ready to devour the competition en route to their first playoff berth.

11. Rockies - Image

Asia, "Heat of the Moment"
The Rockies got off to one of the hottest starts in the IBC but have since cooled off. Recently hit by the injury bug, the Rocks are down Sizemore and now Lidge. That said, they are only half a game behind the division leading Giants who have recently decided to play for the future rather than this year. Levine now finds himself in the heat of the moment. He traded Walden to acquire Arroyo and Bale, but are they the answer? "It was the heat of the moment, telling me what your heart says," and to me it's saying like Levine is lost in the heat of the moment and will be pulling out all the stops for a 2009 playoff run. Will he be able to hold off the Giants and D'Backs assuming he can control the NL West? We'll see, but if the Rockies do make the playoffs it'll be the first time in IBC history a Colorado team has.
or for South Park Fans... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHZJlDSC ... re=related

12. Giants - Image

Tom Petty, "Free Fallin'"
I don't know of a song that better describes a team in its current state than this Tom Petty hit from 1989. Despite leading the division, Nils has decided to throw in the towel, as he doesn't believe he can overcome the injuries that have hit his pitching staff in the last week. Nils has lost 6 in a row and is clinging to a half game lead over the Rockies. Most people would fight tooth and nail until they were out of it, but give Nils credit for retooling early, he could fool us and make a late charge, time will tell.

13. Cardinals - Image

Bon Jovi, "Livin' on a Prayer"
It's a good thing the Cardinals got off to a hot start this year because ever since they have been hit by the injury bug. Frankie Francisco is now on his second DL stint of the season and for a team with bullpen issues like St. Louis, that's no good. Josh Hamilton is on his second DL stint as well. Pat Burrell has been hurt, yet St. Louis is still 35-31, only 8.5 out of first and six behind Pittsburgh in the loss column. Given the injury bug and inconsistency all around from the offense, it looks like the Cardinals are living on a prayer for a bid for a third straight playoff appearance and an unprecedented third straight pennant. One things for sure, Aaron loves his players for the most part and will be giving it his all, "We've got each other and that's a lot, for love we'll give it a shot, we're halfway there, Livin' on a prayer." Yep, right now the Cards could very well be chucking up their hail mary in effort to stay in this thing.

14. Nationals - Image

Twisted Sister, "We're Not Gonna Take It"
Seems like it's been forever since Ken was the sim wizard of Houston. Since moving to the East, he has missed the playoffs two years in a row. He currently sits 5 back in the Wild Card, with 2 division rivals and the Cardinals on his heels. It remains to be seen if the Wild Card contenders in the East will beat up on each other too much for anybody to gain ground, but that is a danger they all face. Ken's a couple moves away from possibly creating some distance, and I know he's not gonna take not making the playoffs anymore.

15. Phillies - Image

Kool & the Gang "Celebration"
Nick and the Phillies have been making moves to play for 2010 and has a pretty nice team lined up for next year. Josh Johnson is excellent and adding Tim Hudson and his high ground ball rate could wind up being a brilliant move. Ibanez, Victorino, Berkman and Ross will be comprising a pretty good offense and Madson is a bad ass in the bullpen. So why are the Phillies celebrating? They're the inaugural champs for the IBC and that is something that won't be changing and the Phils always seem to at the very least compete each year. They are only six games back despite gearing up for 2010, and with Hudson possibly being able to pitch the last two months, don't be surprised if the Phillies can sneak up on the Wild Card or Marlins and put up a pretty good fight. The Phils might be celebrating their first playoff appearance since 2002 all the while rebuilding for 2010, but probably need a move or two to really threaten.

16. Mets - Image

The Clash- "Rock the Casbah"
The Mets always find a way to compete every year, that's just John's M.O. In order to do that, he has to constantly juggle his team which has been hit by the injury bug. Glaus has been out all year, he had Hudson DL'ed all year before moving him and now Maine joins the ranks of the injured. In order to continue to compete with the Nats, Mets and maybe the Phils as well, the Mets will probably have to rock the casbah once again and make another move. "The shareef don't like it, rock the casbah" I'm sure John doesn't like the fact that he constantly has to juggle his pieces, but, thems the breaks and he'll have to rock his roster again either way to further his 2009 efforts or to submit for 2010.

17. Astros - Image

Pat Benatar, "Hit me with your best shot"
Where did these guys come from? Everyone felt sorry for Shawn last year, coming into a NLC that was getting more difficult by the year. He knew he had a long road ahead of him and took his lumps last year, playing for a while without a catcher. He never backed down though, kept building his roster and is suddenly close to .500. Could this be a springboard to further success, or is it an aberration that will correct itself in time? We'll find out soon enough, but for the time being, Houston will be taking on all comers.

18. DBacks - Image

Wham!, "Wake me up before you go go"
Nothing says cheesy, catchy 80's like Wham! Jag's fallen off a bit since his division title last year. He's stated that he plans on retooling for next year and has made a couple deals indicating that. With Nils throwing in the towel and only Jake standing in front of him and a playoff spot, one has to wonder if he'll change his mind. If he's going to make a run, now is the time, someone better see if the DBacks are awake and if they are, the Rockies may soon be hearing that frightening rattle, cause they could soon be poised to strike.

19. Padres - Image

Joy Division, "Love Will Tear Us Apart"
It seems nearly every year the Padres are expected to really contend for the playoffs and this year was really no different. Hamels, DiceK, Valverde, Beltran, McCann, Bay, Hudson, Stephen Drew and Arredondo seem like a playoff caliber team for sure. Injuries to Dice K and Valverde have hindered the Padres but they still shouldn't be 28-34. Looking at the numbers and you're still left scratching your head when you see Beltran is hitting .195/.300/.376, Drew hitting .226/.292/.333 and Hamels posting a 4.76 ERA in Petco Park. The players are there and are good but just not producing for yet another season. Will Martin have to part with some of his stars eventually or just hope they play up to their levels? He could wind up being torn apart from his players, "We're changing our ways, taking different roads, then love will tear us apart again." Perhaps sad days in whales vagin...I mean, San Diego will have to come before the happy days and playoffs.

20. WhiteSox - Image

Madonna, "Like A Prayer"
The South Siders took a huge gamble on this year by dealing the top RHP pitching prospect in the minors in Tommy Hanson and the top SS in the minors at AAA in Escobar to gear up for this season. A bit perplexing sure, especially given the move was made months into the season. Enter Corey Hart, Yuni "hates the walk as much as Bengie Molina" Betancourt, Manny Parra, Bobby Jenks and Aki Iwamura. At least Iwamura and Jenks will still be solid in 2010. That said, with the Tigers, Twins and Royals all above them in the AL Central let alone the AL East teams in the Wild Card chance, it truly does seem like a hail mary attempt to make the playoffs this year. The White Sox must have heard the one october commercials and desperately wanted to make the playoffs. "Just likea prayer, your voice can take me there, just like a muse to me, you are a mystery, just like a dream, you are not what you seem." Perhaps what the White Sox saw this year was not what it seemed, but hey, they at least have added Iwamura and Jenks to next years team. 9.5 out of the Wild Card with Seattle, Detroit, Boston, Minnesota and Toronto ahead of him and it'll truly take a prayer to be answered to make it at this point.

21. Dodgers - Image

Lionel Richie, "Hello"
"Hello" was perhaps the most unintentionally funny music video of the decade. A blind woman in love with Lionel Richie so she makes a bust of his head, just watch it, I'll wait. Okay, so, Shawn's playoff drought looks like it will hit two years. Its not impossible for him to do it this year but its highly unlikely. He just dealt away Liriano, Juan Cruz and Rollins, the 3 keys to his success in the past. He got a king's ransom from JP for those guys. Now it appears what Shawn is looking for is impact prospects, and if you're in contention this year and have some of those to deal, you may want to do your shopping in LA.

22. Mariners - Image

Poison- "Every Rose has It's Thorn"
Seattle used to be the gold standard of consistency in the IBC. The franchise won the NL Central in Pittsburgh in 2002, then won three straight division titles in Seattle from 2003-2006 marking a total of four consecutive division titles for the franchise. Ever since, it's been downhill. The A's are about to do what Brennan did, win three straight AL West titles with a team that is probably struggling to fight for a playoff spot in any other division. The A's have become the M's thorn. The M's do have some help on the way with Alderson on the way but the team is a bit in no mans land with players like Delgado, Hampton and Molina complementing Adam Jones, Andre Ethier and the aforementioned Alderson. "Every rose has its thorn, just like every night has its down, just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song," right now and possibly next year as well, the A's will continue to be Ropers' nemesis and thorn.

23. Cubs - Image

Dexys Midnight Runners, "Come On Eileen"
These guys were popular enough to be musical guests on SNL. What in the world could their second song have been? One of the most remembered one hit wonders of the 80s brings us to the one hit wonder of the IBC, Gabe. He took his Fish on a miracle run in 2006 to the title, and since coming back to Chicago has been unsuccessful in trying to recapture that success. 2009 appeared to be a bright spot at the beginning of the year, with a young lineup with a lot of power, but things haven't went as planned, ZIPS reared its ugly head and the Cubbies are in 5th. A GM that doesn't believe in prospects will have a hard time rebuilding but as his roster turnover in the winter showed us, it is possible. Will Gabe make it back to the playoffs and prove he is not a one hit wonder? The clock is ticking.

24. Rangers - Image

Motley Crue, "Home Sweet Home"
Seth is slowly building a team in Texas. Some of us thought he could be a dark horse for the West this year, but Harden's vagina flared up and that put an end to those talks. Seth has some good pitching in place and just needs to get some offense, once that catches up we might have a new chief at the top of the division. Some of you are asking how this has anything to do with "Home Sweet Home." The Rangers are 17-17 at home, but on the road they're a terrible 9-20. Who says you can't win in Arlington?

25. Indians - Image

Bob Marley, "Could You Be Loved"
The Indians have started a youth movement, but are still a ways off with actually competing with the other teams in the AL Central. There are plenty of solid players on the roster in Sowers, Swarzak, Callaspo, Arencibia, Crisp and Loney. However there is a lack of, as Rich sparked debate years ago with this term, impact players on this roster. A good draft class or two and smart signings and trading could change this but for the time being this is still very much a work in progress. "Don't let em fool ya, don't let em school ya..... could you be loved?" Heed that advice, don't be fooled or schooled, Kelly and some day your team will be loved.

26. Orioles - Image

Warrant, "Heaven"
What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, Jason was reeling off an improbable run in which he won 100 games and just missed the Wild Card. Unfortunatly for Jason, he mortgaged his future in going all in for last year and it shows this year. The O's ain't hopeless, as there is pitching, but the offense is another matter, this is Garrett Atkins last year as a useful sim player, Shoppach has fell back to earth and Daric Barton is looking like a bench bat if he's anything at all. Heaven isn't too far away, it's just too bad for the O's that its in the rearview mirror.

27. Angels - Image

Kenny Rogers, "Lady"
Have Dave and his Angels finally found a rhythm? Possibly. Andrew McCutchen looks like the real deal and Adam Lind is hitting pretty well. That's two very good building blocks for the offense. Logan Morrison is healthy again and in AA. Homer Bailey is doing well in AAA, but needs to take his asshole hat off in the MLB and get his stuff together. If he does, combine him and Phil Hughes and you have a really nice young 1-2 punch. Carrasco needs to find himself in AAA but at least has a 19 BB/ 67 SO in 66.1 IP. Trading pieces like Juan Rivera for a good prospect or two could help, and with a strong draft the Angels could be contending in the AL West sooner rather than lady. It seems as though the Angels have finally found a direction. "Lady, for so many years I thought I'd never find you... you have come into my life and made me whole." Yeah.

28. Rays - Image

Stevie Nicks, "Edge of Seventeen"
The Rays are finally graduating their prospects to the MLB level. Rasmus is up in St. Louis, Price is in Tampa, Cahill is in Oakland, Richard in Chicago and Miller in Florida. What happens next? Have to wait for them to mature and turn into the players they are supposed to as well as the second wave of prospects for Tampa. Alvarez, Beaven, Beckham, Drabek, J Gomez, Savery among many others will need to continue to progress. The Rays will be in the Strasburg sweepstakes as well. Another excellent draft class and the Rays could really be in business. It still might be at least 2011 before the Rays are a threat, but they are doing an excellent job of doing what they need to do in the toughest division in the IBC. Time is on the Rays side, "And the days go by like a strand in the wind, in the web that is my own I begin again.... on the edge of seventeen." Pat has made this web of prospects and well, they're all young, so he's on the edge of seventeen.
http://vodpod.com/watch/1534848-stevie- ... -seventeen yes, vodpod. Could only find live versions on YouTube. Unless you want Lindsay Lohan's cover.

29. Braves - Image

Spinal Tap, "Big Bottom"
Oh how the mighty have fallen. The only song on the list from a band that never actually existed belongs to the Braves. Brandon sold off all his useful players over the winter, attempting to win the Stephen Strasburg sweepstakes and rebuild quickly. He is taking his lumps now as a result. Nobody has had quite the decline as the Braves, from NLCS in 07, to losing the Wild Card playoff on a walkoff grand slam in 08, to maybe being the worst team in the league this year.

30. Brewers - Image

Journey, "Only the Young"
You can't help but feel a little sorry for Ben. He inherited what was essentially Degan's roster after Kegan's 2 month tenure of nothing. There was little to work with and Ben's got a long road ahead of him before even hoping of being in contention in the Central. His best bet is to get rid of anyone over 30 this year for teams looking to make a run and get prospects. That's his only option. It can work, as evidenced by BP and Jag. It'll take a while, as Dave can attest. Hang in there Ben, take your beatings and pile up high draft picks.
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Post by Giants »

These are awesome, but I'll see your Men at Work and raise you


because sometimes you just gotta have Faith.

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Athletics wrote:These are awesome, but I'll see your Men at Work and raise you


because sometimes you just gotta have Faith.
That would be the D-Backs...
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Name: Larry Bestwick

Post by Royals »

Well done, though I was really hoping for Living on a Prayer... that's definitely how my last month has felt!
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Name: Stephen d'Esterhazy

Post by Athletics »

I would imagine I'd look like Kenny Rogers when I get older.
"My shit doesn't work in the playoffs. My job is to get us to the playoffs. What happens after that is fucking luck."

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Post by Angels »

I don't recall AC/DC trying to look so pretty back in the day...........
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Post by Orioles »

Nice. Like the band comps. Not sure who that pic is of for ACDC


San Diego looking kind of glum and industrial these days. Martin better hope Beltran doesn't try to off himself like Ian Curtis.

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Name: Jake Hamlin

Post by Giants »

Marlins wrote:Nice. Like the band comps. Not sure who that pic is of for ACDC


San Diego looking kind of glum and industrial these days. Martin better hope Beltran doesn't try to off himself like Ian Curtis.
You guys are way off, Back in Black is Brian Johnson, you've got Bon Scott pictures. What you're looking for is:


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Post by Astros »

Angels wrote:I would imagine I'd look like Kenny Rogers when I get older.
You ain't the only one

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