Jeter and A-Rod

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Jeter and A-Rod

Post by DBacks »

Anyone else enjoying this? Watching Derek Jeter fall all over himself on the field? Someone should have told him that karma is a bitch. He hung his teammate out to dry, just sacrificed him to the media, and now its coming back to bite him in the ass.

Quite frankly, I love it. I was starting to like Jeter last year, I really was starting to respect the guy, until boom, this "great leader" did nothing to protect his teammate. Absolutely nothing. Why? Because the worse A-Rod looks, the better Jeter looks.

But now, all the sudden, A-Rod isn't struggling so much anymore. (If you can call his 2006 season a struggle, which I kind of think is a joke all by itself.) And Jeter just can't handle it. Jeter looks as bad out there at short as A-Rod did at third last year. I wonder if the media will jump all over him.... I think we all know the answer to that.

But, as an avid baseball fan, I can take some quiet satisfaction in just watching the little bastard struggle, only furthering my belief in karma. I hope A-Rod continues to have a monster year, I hope Jeter continues to taste his own medicine, and I hope A-Rod opts out. The Cubbies are gonna need a SS in 08.
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Name: John Paul Starkey

Post by Cardinals »

i wouldnt go nuts calling out Jeter after 2 weeks nor saying ARod is going to have a ginormous year after 2 weeks either.

arod is still a bitch.
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Name: Jake Hamlin

Post by Giants »

Outside of the grand slam A-Rod is still A-Rod in the clutch. I watched fuck up time and time again this weekend in the late innings. Honestly, I think any team but the Yankees would have been happy to have the season A-Rod did last year, 35 homers, 121 RBI and a .914 OPS, with Alex Rodriguez that shit is all relative.
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Name: John Anderson

Post by Mets »

They both wear lip stick, A-Rod's is just a brighter shade of pink.

F' the Yankees. I'd love to see them finish .500 this year and call up Hughes & Chase Wright.
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Name: Dave Mueller

Post by DBacks »

No one is saying that Jeter is going to suck all year (I don't think he will) and no one is saying A-Rod is going to have an amazing year (I think he will.) I'm simply commenting on how much I'm enjoying watching Jeter play like shit. It's karma.

I love watching that little shit struggle, for no other reason than he deserves it. I'm sure he'll get it together. Maybe he'll have a little more respect for his teammate after that, too. Go Jeter! Keep on suckin'. Only person who sucks more than Jeter is JP, but if Jeter keeps trying, and stays focus, he might just take the lead.
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Name: Brett Zalaski

Post by Yankees »

I still get so confused over this whole "not protecting ARod" thing. As captain, is Jeter supposed to provide back massages for his teammates when they are stressed out?

Being a Captain means making a judgment decision on how to handle your teammates. Maybe Jeter decided that A-Rod needed to stop looking for handour applause, suck it up, and take responsibility on his shoulders.

Well A-Rod did that this Spring, and he's off to a great start - and I truly believe he's going to have a great year.

I'm sure if Torre and Cashman wanted to Jeter to say something he would have, and I'm sure if Jeter wanted to say something he would have. The fact was that they made the collective decision to tell him to man up through their actions and non-actions.
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Name: Larry Bestwick

Post by Royals »

A-rod is unquestionably the best hitter and fielder on that team, but because he's not Jeter (he has the sheer AUDACITY to be BETTER), he gets the shit kicked out of him by the press and fans.
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Name: Jake Hamlin

Post by Giants »

I'm sure Jeter said plenty behind closed doors, everything I've heard about the guy is that he's incredibly old school and doesn't want anything to get out in the media (as we saw when A-Rod mentioned that their friendship isn't what it used to be). For Jeter to make a public statement would never be his style, and it would weaken his leadership in the locker room after he's made such a big deal about keeping things in house. Let the Yankees be the Yankees, this is all soap opera bullshit.
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