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Jake's 2014 Arbitrary Spring Training Preview - AL East

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:31 pm
by Giants
Continuing our arbitrary journey eastward, we'll go through the NL next and then finish with the AL West if I get around to it, if I don't *spoiler alert* A's Win!

Blue Jays

Koji should be positively Kimbrellian, last year was crazy, and leads a fairly impressive bullpen in terms of upside. Cliff Lee just keeps ploughing along as one of the top 10 SP in baseball, and Mike Minor makes a nice 1-2 lefthanded punch with Lee. Not exactly the days of Lee and Santana in their primes that led Pat to a WS, but something. Pat's always good at collecting pieces in premium spots, and he's got another one in Andrelton Simmons. I'm not entirely sure I believe that the sim translates elite defense as well as it translates elite offense, but that should be a really player for a long time.

Too old school, Pat doesn't have a blog which meant I had to guess at this entirely from his roster. Thanks guy, get with the times! Speaking of, aside from Simmons this team is getting really old. Lee is 35, Granderson is 32, Pierzynski is 37, Koji is 38. That equals injury risk, and he doesn't have that kind of wiggle room in this division.

Bottom Line
Can't count out any team that has an honest to God ace and gets to beat up on Baltimore for a bunch of games, but it will be hard for this team to stay in the WC hunt this year I believe.

Did I say it was an advantage to get to beat up on Baltimore? It sure looks that way, but we'll save that for the next section. In this section, Carlos Gomez is a legit lineup anchor, if this were a real team he'd be threatening Barry Bonds' intentional walk record this year. The outfield as a whole, as a matter of fact, with Gomez flanked by Rasmus and Dom Brown should provide a nice amount of pop. In fact, this really isn't a terrible lineup. The combination of Zunino/Avila is nice up the middle. The rotation is also enviable with Fernandez, Tanaka, and Porcello, and Shelby Miller, with Michael Pineda as a wild card.

Actually, the more I look at this team the fewer weaknesses I see, this could be like that random Gudim year where he took the Orioles to almost 100 wins. The infield isn't great (a guy like Jose Iglesias whose all glove and no bat is a lot closer to replacement value in the sim than he is in real life), and there isn't much of a bullpen to speak of.

Bottom Line
Snarky comment above withdrawn, I'm picking these guys ahead of Toronto to stay in the wild card hunt

Stealth. Is Martin alive? Was he ever? There's some quality hitters in this lineup, including Votto, McCann, E5, and Shin Soo-Choo, and Patrick Corbin had a pretty sweet breakout last year (albeit with a debate how sustainable it is).

Pretty much every other player I didn't mention above, except maybe Papelbon. Also Votto may need to be down here since he doesn't drive in enough runs :D

Bottom Line
This is the AL East, so you'd better bring it if you want to play here. There isn't the depth in the rotation or the lineup to compete on a day in day out basis.

Red Sox[/i]
I know I was surprised when I saw Pat move David Price, but Scherzer is absolutely an able replacement. Top to bottom this is probably the most consistent lineup in the division, with every player except Aviles projecting to an OPS+ greater than 100 and no one absolutely sucking at defense.
The bullpen is also no joke, fronted by the man Craig Kimbrel himself and backed by some really good depth.

That Luebke injury hurt. I was expecting a lot better from the rotation, but if you subtract Scherzer Pat's rotation looks like mine (that's not a compliment). Pat may get bailed out by a bonus Suk-Min Yoon projection, we'll have to see what impact that has (and yes also bitter that he took Yoon one pick before me).

Bottom Line
I was expecting to make this team the favorite, but I'm not so sure. Lots and lots and lots of runs, and I wouldn't bet against Pat figuring out a way to shore of the rotation. We shall see.

It's just like every year. Same list of superstars. Cano, Harper, Felix, Kemp, Greinke, A-Rod! (just making sure you're all paying attention)

Little bit like Tampa, pretty much every other player. That transition is finally happening for JB, as the generation of Jeter, A-Rod, Pujols, Mo, Sheffield, etc. etc. etc. etc. are finally starting to cycle out. This team should still be very competitive, but it's no longer unfair.

Bottom Line
A lot of hope tied up in Bryce Harper and Archie Bradley, who should be really big leading the next generation. Not sure this team is the best JB's ever put out, but I've learned against betting against him, especially with a friendly TRC...

Projected Standings
Maybe the best top to bottom division in the IBC
1. Boston Red Sox - In the hunt
2. New York Yankees - In the hunt
3. Baltimore Orioles - In the hunt
4. Toronto Blue Jays - Top 20 Pick
5. Toronto Blue Jays - Top 15 Pick

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:18 am
by Mets
Here's a comment - Blue Jays are finishing both 4th and 5th place.