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Baseball Tat

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:58 pm
by Angels
Hey Fellas. I couple of you know me well enough to know that I'm addicted to tattoos. Finally got my first baseball-related one this afternoon and thought I'd share it with ya'll:

It'll look much sweeter when it heals and the swelling and redness goes away, but I think it turned out bad-ass.....

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:04 pm
by Astros
So its a buzzard on a bat?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:20 pm
by Angels
Yup. You nailed it Aaron. It's a buzzard on a bat. What true artistic insight you possess.....

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:40 pm
by Astros
Then why don't you enlighten me as to what it's supposed to be instead of being a jackass in your reply?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:08 am
by Mariners
Actually, knowing Kelly, that sounds like his true props he was sending your way, and opposed to dissing you (to use dated terms my age).

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:38 am
by Angels
Actually Jag, I was being a Jackass in my reply because I thought he was being a jackass in his post. Not sure how you saw a buzzard Aaron, it's obviously a skull and crossbones with baseball stitches on the skull and bats instead of bones. Sorry that I interpreted you incorrectly, if I did, just a touchy subject if you feel someone is dissing you (using Jag and I's "old school" terminology).....

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:50 am
by Mariners
Guess I should have stayed out of it, since I could not see anything on this almost 10 year old Dell PC.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:08 am
by Angels
I get it now. Aaron, you must have been looking at my profile pic, so I surely can understand the buzzard/bat thing. My tat today I was referring to is the most recent tag on my wall. So I apologize - I am the jackass. Cool Bro???

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:58 am
by Astros
Yeah no problem