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Don't let your children go to grad school

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:53 pm
by Nationals
...after spending quite a few hours a day (on top of regular classwork) for the past two weeks putting together a draft of my MA thesis (59 pages of originally esoteric research, score!), I am done (for the moment) and can now think about the IBC. And about trades.

I've caught up on the whole brouhaha over ZIPS-PECOTA-Projections and I'm of the opinion that we should evaluate the options presented to us in the next few weeks by the people paid to make these sorts of things. If that means we start a week late, so be it. We just need to make sure we get THIS SEASON right. As for things moving forward, we'll need to think about DMB over the coming months and the extent they are committed to putting out solid products for sim people like us.