Why it's impossible to debate with Republicans...

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Why it's impossible to debate with Republicans...

Post by Yankees »

[/quote]me: gonna say it
palin did a great job defending an undefendable position
JP: which position is that?
me: which one you want me to focus on?
iraq vs. afghanistan/pakistan?
taxes for middle class?
education reform?
JP: I thought she did an excellent job overall and dispelled the deer in headlights type blindside knock on her
me: totally agree
JP: if you disagree with her on what she said, go for it
I thought Biden was ok, nothing he said wow'ed me and he didnt really seem to care or come to life until the foreign policy questions
and I thought his mannerisms at time were rude, but thats not really here nor there on anything
me: nice republican rhetoric - whatd he do that was rude?
JP: they were both speaking to different audiences though
when he was constantly looking into the crowd/away and smiling making gestures while palin was speaking? rubbing his eyes while shes talking? looking disinterested? sighed while she was talking? i mean, i don't really care, as I said its neither here nor there and its not going to win or lose one single vote, just an observation by me
me: are you serious? she did the exact same shit
i'm saying both did a great job
she kept looking up with disbelief and smiling when biden went against mccain
JP: biden did a great job speaking to his audience, sure, i wasn't overly impressed by him, but he didn't fuck up by any means, so i guess im saying he did a good job since thats basically what his job is/was to do during this
me: jesus dude
that's the most backhanded compliment you can give
"well i guess he didn't fuck a 16 year old"
JP: haha
i mean, he spoke well, he didn't say anyhting to shoot himself in the foot, i don't think he really did a great job until the foreign policy part where he did his thing, he held his own and he didn't fuck up
basically what you want him to do
me: what did palin do to seperate herself?
JP: what did biden do to separate himself? nothing, i dont thing either person really won or lost
me: he didn't have to
JP: i think they both just laid out where they stand and defended their issues
me: his candidate isn't trailing
hers is
what did she do?
she proved she can put together a coherent sentence?
the great thing about palin was that she's against the political mainstream
JP: she dispelled the "she's an idiot, she can't talk in front of camera and shes too coached" bullshit, she held her own on every single position and laid out clearly and called out Biden a couple times on his wavering pre and post candidacy. most of all, she didn't fuck up or say anything stupid that can be used against her. the questions asked werent' really ones where you can make separation between either candidate on either side
me: and she just tied herself to it with mccain
i know
i've admitted she was great
JP: i know
you asked me what she did
so thats what i think she did
will it make a dent with the polls? maybe. maybe not
me: and what you just said proved why she's different from mccain, but she talked tonight about how she's not willing to change his approach
which is fucking a killer inditement
JP: damn that ball was CRUSHED
me: the GREAT thing about Palin is her lack of a grandiose philosphy - but, with mccain, she's a total hypocrite
JP: well shes tied to the candidate by default
me: because she chose to be the vp
she made herself look ridiculous with the tie to small business
as amazing as small business can be, it will NEVER turn around our economy, even you can admit that
and that's not her fault
she's just tied to it with no recourse
JP: yup
me: she's literally handcuffing herslef with mccain
and she's better then that
she's a legit pres candidate in 10 years
JP: we'll see what happens
me: can you say we're honestly better off w/ mccain/palin then obama and then palin?
JP: considering I dont care for any of Obama's stances, yes
me: oh christ
what's he saying that has you so anti?
if you say iraq, so help me God I'll never talk to you again
JP: I'm not for abortion at all, I'm against his foreign policy, I'm against his raising taxes on the upper tax bracket, i'm against his stance on domestic drilling, do I have to continue?
me: why against his raising taxes on the upper class?
my family hits that
and we're all for it
Sent at 11:03 PM on Thursday
JP: because it's bullshit that a family or person that does well has to pay more than somebody else, simple as that, nothing will change my opinion on that. If it were up to me it would be a flat tax %
Sent at 11:04 PM on Thursday
me: my dad has moved from a lower class bracket to an upper middle class bracket - are you calling him an idiot for thinking because he makes more he should support where he came from?
or shouldn't?
JP: lol did i call anybody an idiot?
me: no
i'm asking
JP: i LOVE how you put words into my mouth like that ALL the time
me: i didn't
JP: you did
me: my dad said that about this election
JP: there was no reason to even put that in there
me: you're avoiding the question
by saying i'm calling you something i'm not
JP: no, he's not an idiot
me: so..
JP: so because he wants to support where he came from everybody has to?
me: if you can afford it?
JP: why?
me: with the current economic conditions?
my dad and mom would argue yes
maybe they're just liberal dumbasses
but to be in a position to help the working class? they support that
JP: then great, they should be able to donate whatever money that they wish. nobody should have to pay more because they've been successful and earned their money and earned and worked hard to receive their paycheck
me: so you're saying that students in underprivileged areas are responsible for their lack of education?
Sent at 11:10 PM on Thursday
me: pretty racist statement - pumped for you to elaborate because i'm positive you aren't
this election isn't about the rich
it shouldn't be
JP: before i finish typing my reply, i didn't say it was
me: who gives a shit if they're taxed more?
JP: you asked where i disagree with obama
and im telling you where
i care because it's not fair
i make 8.35 an hour right now
while im in college
i am not for taxing the doctors, medics, etc. people who have done what they have had to do to earn their money more
i dont think its fair
me: that's not true
JP: great thing about this country is that if you work hard enough you can do whatever you want- you get your good grades, you do what you have to do , you can get your scholarship to college and do anything you want and then go back and fix where you came from if thats what you want. taxes should not have to go up in order to fix some underpriviledged schooling system. the problem is, in my eyes, more often than not not the school system but the parents who do not do a proper job parenting their children, giving them the direction they need and letting them use the fact that they're underprivliged as an excuse to get through life. Which it's not. It's unfortuante, sure. And it's not just racist, there are plenty of underprivliedged white areas I'm sure and there was nothing racist when this came up to me.
me: if those doctors make more less than 250k per year - REVENUE - then they are taxed\
JP: and...?
me: and what you're offering IS racist
JP: how?
how on earth is that racist?
me: regardless of how you want to classify it
JP: i said nothing that has to do with race
i said if you try hard, you can do anything
oh so racist
me: it has everything to do with the system
JP: of course
its the system
and not the person
not the parent
not the values
me: well the system, parents, and values have a shit ton to do to reflect on a student
JP: its the parents and values more than the system by far. the system is removed from the process and made into an excuse. if you let your kid cut class, you dont make your kid do his homework, if you let him walk all over you and do what he/she wants, well then the kid isnt going to end up being so bright and ending up with a good future
me: you're pretending that the families in w. hartford and simsbury are afforded the same privileges as hartford
JP: but, since its a poor area, we can say well its where i came from
its an excuse
nothing else
me: right - you're making excuses for kids who don't know better
JP: i went to MHS for a year, not the best school, and the education was pretty much the same as ECHS
MHS is no weaver
but MHS is no ECHS, supposedly
me: really? that's your basis for comparison?
bullshit my friend
JP: not bullshit at all
me: if that's what you're going to go with, then there really is not changing yu
JP: there isn't
me: great
hope it works
JP: i could have told you this before you started talking to me about it
me: you got it
if you think there's no difference between eh and weaver then there's a fundamental difference we'll never align
JP: "MHS is no weaver"
lets ignore that
me: i'm not
JP: because it fits your point
me: i'm saying east hartford and weaver]
JP: considering they've just redone EHHS there is clearly a difference, and there was a difference beforehand anyway
me: then what's the point of comparing them?
JP: well I never mentioned EHHS
i've never gone there
me: what's echs?
JP: East catholic
me: hold the fuck up
JP: holding
me: we're talking about the differences between east catholic and weaver
JP: no
we're not
me: go ahead and know yourself the fuck out then
JP: you're lost in translation here
i went to east catholic for 3 years
i went to MHS for one year
i said that the difference in actual education
was nil
not one dime of difference
different environment? sure
different education? no way
me: so east catholic vs. middletown?
JP: Manchester
me: manchester
JP: thought you knew i was from M Vegas
assumed it
me: you're pretending manchester and east catholic are the fundamentals of ct society?
Sent at 11:24 PM on Thursday
JP: no... i dont know what it is about you but you just assume anything political is black and white. I'm merely saying, just because somebody went to ECHS doesn't mean they are in a better educational area than somebody at MHS. Just like somebody at MHS isn't better learning than they are at any other school. My point is if you want to succeed, you can, no matter what. It's about where you place your values and wants as a teenager and ALL of that is dictated from how you're brought up.
me: that's true more in CT then in most places in America, though
i certainly dont disagree with your statement
but it's easier to say in CT then in Alabama or Arkansas
JP: probably , yeah
me: i'm not saying palin is dumb
JP: ive never been to either AL or AR, i mean, im sure its an entirely different world
me: i'm saying she's in the wrong place at the wrong time
she could be president if she just said fuck this noise
JP: I think she will still be a Pres candidate in the future either way
me: not if she keeps letting mccain make her look like a dumbfuck
JP: but if McCain wins...shes set up golden
me: no she's not
wait if the economy keeps failing?
JP: what if they turn it around?
me: what if drilling in alaska doesn't work?
JP: what if it turns our economy around?
me: that's the most blanket statement ever
what are they doing that's gonna turn it?
specifically palin
what is palin doing to turn our economy?
"lenders fucked america" is not an answer
JP: uh, drilling in alaska will help the economy if it yields the oil. the gas tax holiday will help a good bit too. lowering the taxes to give the people of the country more money.
me: holy christ
so does the democratic tax break of 5k
there's no difference
JP: ok then?
whats obama going to do?
me: what's the fucking point?
JP: tax the shit out of the people that made their keep? awesome
me: he's gong to give americans a tax break of 5k
no he's not
the 42k shit is bullshit
mccain's camp has amitted that
JP: his plan is to raise their taxes
me: no it isn't
his plan is to not freeze taxes
not raise
his is adamently against raising taxes
for the working class
just against people who make 250k+
JP: . Says he would restore the top two income tax rates to their pre-2001 levels of 36 percent and 39.6 percent. (Currently, they're 33 percent and 35 percent.)
me: which are my parents and their friends, who are for obama
top 2
JP: ok...
so thats raising taxes
is it not?
me: that has nothing to do with the 42k
JP: i never mentioned 42k
me: not for the 42k
JP: so i dont know what that has to do with anything
me: because the repub's keep fucking bringing it up
it's not your fault they do
JP: did i bring it up?
me: but it's their's
no, but i'm not voting for jp starkey
i'm voting for mccain/palin who keep saying it's an issue
when even you can admit it's not
JP: anything where they disagree is an issue
me: nice save
JP: i try
me: why not just admit it's flawed?
i dont have a problem with it
i say when it is
i thought better of you
but apparently not]
just an apologist
JP: yup
me: and that's fine
just thought you were above it
that's all
Sent at 11:35 PM on Thursday
me: really, nothing to that/
JP: i mean if thats what you think, sure, i don't really care what anybody thinks of my beliefs, ideals or whatever. if you want to disagree with me, fine, go for it. if you want to label me whatever you want, whatever, go for it, it doesn't phase me in either direction
me: easy way out man - how are you defining your stance by anything you are doing?
the election doesn't turn on 1 vote
it turns on the collecitve of groups
JP: yup
me: and your refusal to do that further makes me think you dont believe it
JP: you've asked where i disagree with obama, i've told you where, and i've gone into explicit detail when you brought up education
im not sure where else you want me to show my stances
do you want me to write up a word doc with everything i believe in?
me: on education?
where are we fundamentally in discord?
JP: im confused, im not sure what exactly you're asking of me. im not caring where we are in discord. you said i haven't defined my stance when i clearly have been
Sent at 11:43 PM on Thursday
me: right, you're a repub, i'm a liberal - where is our stance different on education? cuz i'll give you differences on foreign policy - but i dont believe in foreign policy as a reason to win this election
so if you can tell me how we are fundamentally different on education
JP: lol, what? what does our differences have to do with ANYTHING you've just stated?
let me spell it out for you
me: tell me how the repubs and dems are different on education
JP: You said "you aren't defining your stances.'
this isnt about republicans and democrats
you even went ahead and said that before
you were talking about me specifically
me: i dont give a shit what's good for you
JP: just 3 minutes ago
me: i'm an open vote
you tell me, with education being my main principle
why i should vote repub vs. dem
that's me
nothing to do with anyone else
JP: ok, so now youre asking me to tell you why you should vote for MCCain solely on education?
me: not at all
i'm asking how his policy differs from obama
JP: i give up
im going tobed
me: and why i should switch from obama to mccain in the area that affects me the most
i'm giving you a layup
i'm not even going to defend obama
JP: no, you're not, because you change the question every single time
me: not at all this time
i'm literally asking
no parentheses
you have a free, no frills shot at me
go for it
Sent at 11:48 PM on Thursday
me: you're giving a long answer - it better be good
Sent at 11:50 PM on Thursday
JP: there's nothing to really take a shot at. first off, education isn't really a big issue to me because of what i stated earlier. One of McCain's big things is using technology, wants to allocate money to expanding online education technology which would do a lot of good for the people that are addicted to their computers. For those in low income he wants to offer them, i forget how much it is, but its a couple thousand, to take an SAT/ACT course prior to those who are taking it which is a pretty good thing for those who you referenced being underprivledged or whatever. Again, i dont really think theres a big right or big wrong answer with education, the want and desire just lay with the person, but McCain is pushing technology and SAT prep for the lower income families who you seem to show a low of concern about
me: i'm ok with most of what you said
but just not "it lies with the person him/herslef
JP: and his /her faamily
me: that's an awful statement to make
JP: if you want to learn you can
some people are gifted, some aren't, there are over and underachievers
me: there are so many factors that go into education that are beyond a single person's control
JP: yup
its mostly within his /her households control
me: no, it's not
JP: yes, it really is
me: because most people can't pay for it
JP: public education is free no?
me: that's the sad reality
JP: and if you get all A's you get a scholarship to college no?
me: college educatio isn't
JP: and you can get a FAFSA
me: that's an absurd statement
JP: which can take care of up to 5000 ? in free money
me: what about the kid that gets b's at weaver?
JP: gotta get A's
me: who busts his ass to get them?
who's mentally challenged?
you have to get a's?
patently abusrd
JP: if you really want to get a scholarship
then yes
you should be shooting for A's
me: that's unreal
so at simsbury you should get b's
JP: nope
me: at weaver you need to get a's
JP: oyu should always be shooting for A's
me: nice diplomacy
JP: i dont care where you go
when the fuck did i ever say it depended on the school what you have to do?
me: oh, so a b at simsbury is the same as an a at weaver?
JP: its unreal the amount of verbiage you assumeand just put into my mouth
me: i'm not
JP: it really is starting to legit piss me off
me: i'm asking
JP: im really going to bed
this is getting me angry
me: so you can't answer
is the real answer
nice work jp
just avoid the issue
JP is offline. Messages you send will bed[quote]

Literally, I have no idea...if anyone's awake, apparently I'll have sex with you...yikes...that's in no way a compliment...
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Post by Astros »

You know, as a Republican, I think we come out of this election a winner either way. McCain gets elected, then we get our candidate, he appoints a couple people to the Supreme Court, everything's fine. If Obama wins, then in 4 years we get another Reagan. Remember, to get Reagan, you needed 4 years of Jimmy Carter. And I think if anyone can fuck things up like Jimmy Carter did, its Obama.

Now, I know a few of you bleeding hearts will come in with "Bush has fucked everything up for 8 years." They said the exact same thing about Harry Truman when he left office, his approval rating was around 30% I believe. But, Harry Truman set us up to win the Cold War with the agenecies that were started while he was in the White House and he's now looked at as a very good president in hindsight. In another 30-40 years, we may be saying the same thing about Bush, that him setting up different agencies to deal with terrorism helped us win the war on terror
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Post by BlueJays »

Cardinals wrote:You know, as a Republican, I think we come out of this election a winner either way. McCain gets elected, then we get our candidate, he appoints a couple people to the Supreme Court, everything's fine. If Obama wins, then in 4 years we get another Reagan. Remember, to get Reagan, you needed 4 years of Jimmy Carter. And I think if anyone can fuck things up like Jimmy Carter did, its Obama.

Now, I know a few of you bleeding hearts will come in with "Bush has fucked everything up for 8 years." They said the exact same thing about Harry Truman when he left office, his approval rating was around 30% I believe. But, Harry Truman set us up to win the Cold War with the agenecies that were started while he was in the White House and he's now looked at as a very good president in hindsight. In another 30-40 years, we may be saying the same thing about Bush, that him setting up different agencies to deal with terrorism helped us win the war on terror
Please aaron, don't be nieve enough to believe this wouldn't have happened under any other president.

I'm no bleeding heart liberal, and I'm not neo con Republican... but anyone would have setup many agencies to deal with terrorism after 9/11.
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Post by BlueJays »

But you're right about one thing. I don't think we could come out of this election a winner.. because, after 8 years of Bush.. there really is nowhere to go but up.
"Hating the Yankees is as American as pizza pie, unwed mothers, and cheating on your income tax."
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Post by BlueJays »

Ugh, I can't edit.. but I mean we couldn't come out of this anything but a winner.
"Hating the Yankees is as American as pizza pie, unwed mothers, and cheating on your income tax."
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Name: Larry Bestwick

Post by Royals »

On January 20th, 2009, every American wins. Unless McCain wins the election and dies the next day, leaving Palin President, she'd be a bigger disaster than Bush has been.
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