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La Lega di Ciampioni

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:14 pm
by Nationals
...or as Anglophones call it, the Champions' League. I don't know how many of y'all saw the final this afternoon between Manchester Uniter and Chelsea, but, damn, what a match. I should preface this with the admission that I loathe both squads (in my top-five Most-Hated clubs, the trail Roma and Juventus and are just ahead of Arsenal), but this was a match for the ages. Less than a week removed from Man U edging Chelsea out for the Premiership, the match in Moscow for European supremacy was wrought with tension and skill. A couple observations:
  • Man U should have won it in regulation, if not for some sick goaltending by Cech and Terry.

    Drogba is a f*ing idiot. You don't touch another player (even if he is the little bitch, Vilic), no matter what he deserves. That might have f*ed over Chelsea more than anything else.

    Has anyone fallen off faster than Andrei Shevchenko? Left on the bench when less than two years ago, he was a terrifying Force for AC Milan.

    It was so sweet seeing Ronaldo f* up his penalty shot. He is, truly, a European bitch player. Even if he is ridiculously talented (as evidenced by both his goal and a few of his runs...still, I think Kaka and Messi have sweeter skills)
And now it's 5:00 PM and I'm drunk and still have 7 miles to run today. Fabulous.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:50 pm
by BlueJays
Running drunk? Awesome times.

My wife and I usually get toasty and go roller bladin late at night with our Pit Bull pulling both of us(we go at night cuz there's breed specific legislation on pit bulls where I live)... good times.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:52 pm
by Nationals
It's a good time...though I'm sobering up now for my run (I'm taking this one seriously!)

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:00 pm
by BlueJays
Feel free to delete one of those double posts.. i thought I was editing the original.. doh!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:42 pm
by Rays
That match was awesome.

Those 2 shots that peter cech saved in the first 1/2 were amazing.
How long did Ronaldo stop during that penalty kick? After Van der Sar won
the game Ronaldo just lay in the midfield circle for minutes while his team mates
celebrated! Real team player.

He's a special talent though and he did get them the header in
the first half.

I'm not a big fan of Chelsea or Man U , but that game was epic.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:51 pm
by Nationals
Padres wrote:That match was awesome.

Those 2 shots that peter cech saved in the first 1/2 were amazing.
How long did Ronaldo stop during that penalty kick? After Van der Sar won
the game Ronaldo just lay in the midfield circle for minutes while his team mates
celebrated! Real team player.

He's a special talent though and he did get them the header in
the first half.

I'm not a big fan of Chelsea or Man U , but that game was epic.

Good God, Cech was amazing on those two, showing why he's one of the best in the world.

All I can say is that Ronaldo showed how much of a (talented) bitch he was during the penalty kicks.

I don't know if I'd call the game epic, however...the conditions were a bit too sloppy to allow Great Football; it was much more like a slugfest, seeing which team blinked first.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:25 pm
by Astros
Hey, this is America and if you like soccer than you can just GEDDOUT

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:48 pm
by Rangers
Padres wrote:That match was awesome.

Those 2 shots that peter cech saved in the first 1/2 were amazing.
How long did Ronaldo stop during that penalty kick? After Van der Sar won
the game Ronaldo just lay in the midfield circle for minutes while his team mates
celebrated! Real team player.

He's a special talent though and he did get them the header in
the first half.

I'm not a big fan of Chelsea or Man U , but that game was epic.
I talked a couple of friends from work who could care less about soccer into watching it with me on delay, and they were totally engrossed. We were talking about it all this morning still. Cech was great, and Terry's save was amazing.

The field (I refuse to say pitch) and the weather were just awful, and I hope that they don't return to Russia any time soon with a final. I agree with Andrew that it was more of a battle than a display of great skill, but there were a lot of guys on that field who basically had their legacy on the line.

I agree about C Ronaldo's penalty; there is no way that should have counted even if he hadn't missed.

I'm an Arsenal supporter, and I really couldn't bring myself to enjoy seeing either of those clubs succeed, but something about seeing one of the biggest gangsters in the world get to return home and basically have his dream come true, after all of the crap that he's put the sport through, just didn't appeal to me.

Anyway, I know that Terry is regarded as a decent penalty taker, and Anelka missed his too, but I just don't see how you have him in your first five with guys like Kalou, Anelka, etc. were still options.

And and the untimely red card couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.