2011 trade review

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2011 trade review

Post by Astros »

Yeah I forgot to do this last winter. Kickoff is 2 hours away, I got time to kill. Going into the year I had aspirations of winning the Wild Card.

Cardinals trades Billy Butler, to Reds for Dan Uggla

Butler, who helped me win the pennant in 2008, was blocked by Votto. So I could've had the greatest platoon of all time or fill a hole. I needed a 2nd baseman. Uggla gave me a righty bat to protect Votto and hit for power. I loved Billy Butler and still do, but at the time this was the smart move to make for a team trying to get to the playoffs.

Cardinals trades Johermyn 0-Chavez, to Astros for Ryan Spilborghs

I needed to upgrade my bench some if I was going for the playoffs. I thought Chavez's 2010 was a fluke (I was right) and got a useful player for him

Cardinals trades Ryan 10-Brett, to Phillies for Mark DeRosa

DeRosa was my starting 2b on my title team. I wanted a guy I could plug in anywhere that would hit and not be a butcher in the field. I love DeRosa so this was an easy trade for me. Brett put up good numbers in the low minors, but then got busted for drugs and is out the first 50 games of this year.

Giants trades Jeff Karstens, Hak-Ju 0-Lee, to Cardinals for Dan Uggla

With Wainwright's TJ surgery in February, any hopes of the Wild Card were gone before the season started, so I decide to sell off pieces to contenders. Uggla was hitting under .200 at this point. Karstens has been an average pitcher since the deal. Lee is one of the top SS prospects in the minors. Win for me here

Pirates trades Oscar 0-Taveras, to Cardinals for Frank Francisco

JP will never get over this one. Frankie had been on my team since like, 2005. JP needed pen help, I had an incredible pen. Taveras was at Quad Cities and 18 or 19, plus a Cardinal. I did the deal pretty fast. Turns out Taveras is now maybe the best hitting prospect in baseball, while Frankie is a 7th inning guy. Big win, sorry buddy

RedSox trades Casper Wells, RedSox Draft Pick 4, to Cardinals for Cardinals Draft Pick 3

I liked Casper Wells, figured he would be good for the next season to be a 4th OF since he was having a nice year. No big deal

Athletics trades Tony Cruz, Athletics Draft Pick 4, to Cardinals for Andres Torres

We'd all seen that Torres' 2010 was a fluke. I liked Tony Cruz cause he was a Cardinal. The end.

Rays trades Robert 9-Erlin, Jacob Turner, Zach 10-Lee, Rays Draft Pick 1, to Cardinals for Joey Votto, Luke Gregerson

At this point I decided to blow the whole thing up and go full on rebuild. Hopefully getting out of DET can make Turner into the prospect he once was. Lee is highly regarded, Erlin will pitch in Petco, the pick turned into Bubba Starling. I'm sure I could've ended up with more for Votto, but this was the best prospect package I got and I needed an entire new farm. I have no regrets

RedSox trades Luis Jimenez, Tyler Pastornicky, Vicmal 10-De La Cruz, to Cardinals for Tim Hudson, Chad Durbin

Hudson was ancient at the time of the deal, but he's still good. But it was clear from my talks with everyone that a top prospect wasn't going to come my way for him. Pastornicky was penciled in as the Braves starting SS for 2011 (turns out he sucks), Jimenez puts up good numbers but doesn't walk and probably won't amount to more than a utility guy. De La Cruz was a lottery ticket that I've since released. I'd like a do over here

Pirates trades Matthew 9-Adams, Marcus 10-Knecht, to Cardinals for Mark DeRosa, Sean Marshall, Cardinals Draft Pick 5

I'd cut Adams the previous year and he'd turned into a pretty good prospect. Knecht was a guy with good numbers in A ball that has since been cut. DeRosa was useless to me and had big hits for JP in the playoffs, and a rebuilding team don't need setup men. I'll take it

DBacks trades Donavan 9-Tate, Keyvius 9-Sampson, Justin 10-Nicolino, DBacks Draft Pick 1, to Cardinals for Grady Sizemore, Chris Perez

Grady was a lottery ticket at this point for Jag, if he could get on the field. Perez had developed into an All Star. The pick turned into Blake Swihart. Sampson, IMO, should be moved to the pen where he can dominate in short spurts. Nicolino put up good numbers in Lansing and is now a Marlin. Tate got cut because he was awful, but he was a lottery ticket

Rangers trades Jedd 10-Gyorko, Rangers Draft Pick 2, Rangers Draft Pick 3, to Cardinals for Tyler Clippard, Josh Willingham

The picks were later dealt to move up into the 1st. Gyorko has become a top prospect and is being moved to 2nd by SD, though I'm in hopes he'll play 3rd some on occasion as well. Clippard's a dominant setup man but once again, rebuilding teams don't need those. Willingham is good too. Maybe I could've got more, but the deadline was approaching and it was time to make moves with what was on the table.

Cardinals trades Jair Jurrjens, Ryan Spilborghs, Athletics Draft Pick 4, RedSox Draft Pick 4, to Dodgers for Joseph 0-Wieland, Christian 10-Yelich, Zack 10-Cox, Dodgers Draft Pick 1

Big win for me. Huge regression for Jurrjens, Spilborghs & the picks were throw ins. Yelich is quickly becoming one of the best OF prospects in the minors. Wieland had TJ last year but has put up good numbers everywhere he's been and will pitch in SD. The pick was Taylor Guerreri, who I'm real excited about. Cox had a disappointing year but I'm still a believer.

RedSox trades Jonathan 0-Pettibone, Orioles Draft Pick 3, to Cardinals for Maicer Izturis, Cardinals Draft Pick 4

Eh. Pettibone had a nice year. Maicer's a utilty guy. I'll take it

Brewers trades Brewers Draft Pick 1, to Cardinals for Joe Smith, Rangers Draft Pick 2, Orioles Draft Pick 3, Cardinals Draft Pick 2

Pick turned into CJ Cron (had intended for it to be Kolton Wong). Quality of quantity
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